Other photographic services:
I provide other photographic services besides fine-art nature photography.
If you are interested in my location
photography services or technical
photography services please click here.
Technical notes:
If you are interested in the technical aspects of my photography, please
click here.
Opportunity for artists:
The Prince George's Artist's Association (PGAA) welcomes artists of all media and skill levels.
From September to May they meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month at
7:30 p.m. in the New Carrollton Municipal Building. The PGAA has a speaker
or other program at most meetings, and mounts two major and several minor
shows during the year. Feel free to contact me
for more information. (I'm the Secretary.)
The origin of "Leaning Toward Light"
as my business name:
"Leaning Toward Light" has great personal significance for
me. If you want to hear more about it, please click